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How to Manage Tooth Sensitivity After Whitening Treatment

Tooth whitening is one of the most sought-after dental treatments today. The procedure aims at restoring discoloured and stained teeth to their natural colour and giving a beautiful pearly smile. However, whether you undertake DIY whitening or visit the dentist for in-house treatment, there is a small price to pay for white teeth – tooth sensitivity after treatment. Most people experience some level of discomfort and sensitivity a few hours or even days after whitening treatment. This article will give some tips on how to manage and minimise the sensitivity.

Use desensitising products

Various desensitising toothpaste, gels and liquids are available in drug stores, and you can use them to eliminate sensitivity after a whitening procedure. These products block pain signals from the tooth enamel to the nerve. Some also have an active ingredient that remineralises the enamel as well. Purchase one of these products and use it after treatment. Also, invest in a toothbrush with soft bristles and avoid vigorous brushing, which can worsen the sensitivity or even irritate the gums. If you have teeth whitening at the dentist's office, you can ask them to recommend a suitable desensitising product that will help with pain management.

Avoid certain foods and beverages

Some foods and beverages can worsen tooth sensitivity after a whitening treatment. It is best to avoid them for a few days until you are okay. First, very hot and cold foods and drinks are a no-no after whitening. Chilled beverages and ice are your worst enemy during this period. Additionally, you also want to avoid acidic foods as they can irritate the sensitive gums and the tooth enamel. These include tomatoes, citrus fruits and vinegar. You can resume consumption when the sensitivity subsides.

Chew sugar-free gum

Research has shown that sugar-free gum helps to reduce tooth sensitivity. Gum acts as a therapeutic solution to pain. The act of chewing increases saliva in the mouth, and this helps to reduce pain. Also, chewing distracts the brain from recording the pain in the tooth. Note that sugar-free gum is the best option for managing the pain. Although sugary gum is also useful, the sugar that's introduced in the mouth can result in other dental problems as it attracts bacteria.

When buying sugar-free gum, look for quality ones that also contain remineralising ingredients. Chew it as often as you can after treatment and even afterward as it helps to get rid of food particles in between the teeth.

Visit your dentist or doctor if the pain worsens or becomes unmanageable after a whitening procedure.