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When You Might Need to Visit a Sports Physiotherapist

A sports physiotherapist addresses conditions that are common with athletes, and they can help an athlete reduce the risk of injuries, heal after an injury, and become more flexible so they can better support their workout routine. Whether you're an athlete or just like to work out often, note when it might be good to visit a sports physio professional, or talk to your own doctor about the services such a therapist might offer.

You wake up stiff

When you're asleep, your muscles will still be working to support your body, but they should relax and repair themselves. If you wake up stiff and sore, this means that certain muscles are not relaxing as they should; this could be the result of a minor injury to those muscles, or it may mean that they cannot stretch and allow in blood and oxygen in order to heal. A sports physiotherapist can work with you to better stretch those muscles so they can relax and heal, and they will also examine the muscles for minor injuries, tears and the like. They may then offer you supportive devices to use to help those muscles heal properly.

You need better balance

Balance is needed for any sport or workout routine. In tennis, improper balance can mean falling when you hit a ball. In golf, being off balanced can mean stumbling when you swing. For marathon runners, improper balance can lead to increased risk of tripping and stumbling while running. Good balance will also help you when lifting weights, so you can work out the muscles targeted and avoid putting stress on your back.

If you find that balance is an issue for your workout routine or for any sport you play, a physiotherapist can work the muscles needed to ensure your back is strong and to increase strength in your legs. Those properly flexed and strengthened muscles will help with balance and coordination so you don't risk stumbling or tripping during your workout or whatever sport you play.

You've gained weight

It can be difficult to admit that you've gained weight over the years, but added body weight puts added pressure on your joints and muscles, as well as your heart and lungs. You will need all your muscles to be strong in order to support that added weight when you work out or play your sport, and a physiotherapist can ensure your joints are limber and your muscles are properly flexed to provide that added support. This will reduce the risk of injury because of that added weight you're carrying.