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A Brief Guide To Sleeping Better

Getting a good, fulfilling night's sleep is incredibly important to your mental and physical health, allowing you to live a full, productive life. However, if you can't sleep, things can feel incredibly difficult. This short article explains a few things you can do in order to get more sleep.

Spend Some Time Relaxing Before Bed

Just before bed, spend some time relaxing and unwinding to make sure you're prepared for sleep. Make sure that your bed is clean, inviting and comfortable and that there's no light or noise to bother you. You should have a hot, relaxing pre-bed drink (a caffeine-free one!), listen to some relaxing music, and watch something that doesn't excite you too much. The Huffington Post describes how a single ten-minute meditation routine before bed can help you to relax and unwind, leading to better sleep. If meditation isn't your thing, search online for pre-bed yoga routines that are designed to relax you. 

Avoid Things That Keep You Awake

'Avoiding things that keep you awake' may seem like redundant and obvious advice, but it's surprising how many people ignore it. Make a list of things that make you feel invigorated or angry—action movies, exercise, watching the news—and avoid them before bed. Sleep Education suggests that you should avoid caffeine for at least six hours before bed, as it can seriously impact the quality and length of your sleep. Therefore, you should swap your evening tea or coffee for decaf, and also avoid sugary snacks such as fizzy drinks, ice cream and sweets, as these can also keep you awake and alert.

See Your GP For Ideas And Advice

If you still have problems sleeping, you might want to see your GP and find out what help and advice they can offer you. They may offer you sleeping pills on a temporary basis, offer you help to change your lifestyle habits or refer you for therapy if your sleeplessness is due to a deeper issue. They may also refer you to a sleep study clinic, which will be able to offer you more specialist help and treatments and will know about the latest treatments and methods to try.

By following the tips above, you should be able to sleep better and for longer. If you are worried about any aspect of your health, including your sleep, see your GP for help and advice. Whether you need a specialist sleep study clinic or simply a more relaxing pre-bed routine, this guide is sure to help you with your sleep.