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Common Forms of Ultrasounds You Should Know

Has your physician recommended that you undergo an ultrasound scan, but you are worried because you know nothing about this procedure? Ultrasound scans are medical tests that rely on high-frequency sound waves to capture images of internal organs. This test is also known as sonography. One of the most outstanding things about this test is that it's safe (no radiation) and painless. In fact, most pregnant women take this test to view their developing fetus, a solid proof that sonography is safe. Currently, there are different forms of ultrasounds, and some of them will be outlined below.

Pelvic ultrasound

This is one of the popular ultrasound tests that is performed in hospitals today. The test is often used to monitor the fetus or the embryo's health during pregnancy. Your physician may also recommend the procedure when they need to diagnose pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, cysts in the ovary, bladder stones, kidney, fibroids, menstrual issues and cancer in the ovaries or uterus. So, if you have any of these issues, do not hesitate to go for a scan.

Vascular ultrasound

Another type of ultrasound your doctor may recommend is vascular ultrasound. This procedure is designed to evaluate the circulatory system to identify any issues in the veins and arteries. For instance, the ultrasound can be done to locate any plaque abnormalities and blockages, determine if one of your arteries has enlarged, monitor blood flow in the body's tissues and organs and evaluate varicose veins. The test can also be performed to identify blood clot issues, especially in the primary veins in arms and legs, to diagnose artery narrowing or to verify if you qualify for critical procedures like angioplasty.

Abdominal ultrasound

The abdominal part of your body plays an essential role in keeping you healthy. After all, this is where the foods and drinks are digested before the nutrients and minerals are absorbed. If one of your abdominal organ malfunctions, you may be asked to take an abdominal ultrasound. Some of the internal organs the test can examine include the pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, liver, bladder, and kidneys. This aids in diagnosing various conditions and to verify if there are some severe damages the illness has caused. For instance, you may do a test to identify if an abdominal organ is enlarged, determine the cause of different forms of abdominal pains (especially in cases of kidney and gallbladder stones), help with procedures like needle biopsies or identify hereditary malformation.