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Knowing the Early Warning Signs of Oral Problems

Most people know that they should have at least an annual appointment with their dentist for a routine checkup. Nevertheless, this does not mean that everyone adheres to this. Instead, some people are prone to simply ignoring dental checkups until they develop an oral problem. Bear in mind that routine checkups are beneficial as they enable your dentist to spot any potential problems before they become full blow oral issues. 

In addition to your routine dental checkup, you should also be aware of the appearance of your gums and teeth. The onset of any strange symptoms should be a cause for worry until it is determined why they have developed. Below are some of the symptoms of oral problems that you should be wary of.

Changes in your gum's appearance 

One of the most common oral problems that people develop is gum disease. Early nests gum disease is typically referred to as gingivitis and is commonly characterised by inflammation of your gums. Left unchecked, gingivitis will worsen into periodontitis, which is an advanced form of this disease. 

Periodontitis is quite painful and poses the risk of tooth loss. Hence, it is important to monitor any changes in your gums as they could indicate the development of gingivitis. Some of the changes that you should be wary of include the swelling of your gums, colour change of your gums, gums that are receding and any pus oozing out of the gums.

Development of spots on your teeth

Another sign that you should be wary of that could be indicative of oral disease is spots forming on your teeth. This is usually a symptom of tooth decay. As bacteria starts to attack your teeth, your enamel will steadily start to dissolve. This dissolution of your enamel will typically present itself as white spots forming on the surface of your teeth.

In some cases, the onset of dental decay may begin in between your teeth, making it difficult for people to spot the early signs, which would eventually lead to the formation of a cavity. Nevertheless, any signs of white spots on your teeth should be cause for alarm, and you should seek dental services post haste.

Increasingly sensitive teeth

If you begin to experience extreme sensitivity in your teeth when indulging in hot or cold foods and beverages, chances are your enamel has become compromised with decay. This makes the nerves in your teeth more sensitive to changing temperatures. Tooth sensitivity can also be attributed to bruxism, which is also a problem that should be addressed by a dentist